Sunday, July 31, 2011


So we have taken a lot of paths with animals and our most recent endeavor is meat rabbits.  We are not afraid to eat anything, especially if we can grow it ourselves.  I got a doe (female rabbit) last spring to use in my classroom (update, 17 days until my summer break is over), my sister got a little buck early in the summer and then I happened upon another more grown buck a few weeks later.  We always wait to make sure we are going to stick with an adventure before we invest to much into it so the rabbits are living in "THE BEST CAGE EVER" until we process (read slaughter) our first litter.  This cage was built as step 2 for my first batch of chicks I got.  I ordered my chicks to come spring that year and would not be moving to our current house until July where my chickarium would reside (please note that "chickarium" is the very cool term dubbed by Myles that we use for the hen house).  Anyhow, the chicks grew at an alarming rate (I had never had or worked with chickens---poultry science was a separate department from animal science when I was in collgege).  So the chicks started in big sterilite containers and when they got too big we had to come up with something temparary until I and they moved.  My lovely father built this cage for me.  It cost $40 for all the materials.  This cage has since housed more chicks, a baby turkey, puppies, my nephews for short hilarious moments and now rabbits.  The bottom comes out of it so it too, which is great if I want to set it on the garden for chickens to hang out in.  The cage has three doors on top so you do not have to open one big heavy one.  The rabbits have been living in "THE BEST CAGE EVER" in an empty stall since we got the male a little less than a month ago and they love it, but alas it was time to separate the rabbits with the hope that the female is bred and will be kindling (term used when a rabbit gives birth---I wonder if amazon knows of this meaning of the word kindle) soon. 

The buck is hanging out in a borrowed Guinea Pig cage for the time being. Hopefully all goes well and Myles can build us a few rabbit hutches to house them in in a few months.

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